Distance is the quantitative measurement of path covered by a body in motion.

Consider a horse in motion. As shown in above picture horse is travelling from A to C through hilly place. Top of hill is marked as B. When horse reaches B after starting from A, the path covered by horse is 20 meters 
Distance travelled by horse from A to B = 20meters
Then horse moved down hill from B to C, The path covered by horse is 20meters
Distance travelled by horse from B to C = 20 meters
So, the total distance travelled by horse = 20 + 20 = 40 meters


Displacement is the shortest distance form the initial position of a body to its final position. Displacement of a body is always be a straight line.

As we discussed about the above picture the total distance travelled by the horse from A to C is 20+20=40meters
Since displacement is the shortest distance covered by the body form it’s initial position to final position, displacement of horse is only 30meters
