Reaction in which a single product is formed from two or more reactants is known as combination reaction. 


When two or more substance (reactants) combined to form a single product, the reaction is called as combination reaction.

A + B ——> C

Example of combination reaction 

1. Reaction of calcium oxide with water

Calcium oxide reacts with water to produce calcium hydroxide ( calcium oxide is also known as quick lime and calcium hydroxide is also known as slaked lime). During this reaction a large amount of heat is released.

Calcium oxide(quick lime) + water ——> calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) 

CaO + H₂O ——> Ca(OH)₂

2. Burning of coal

When coal is burned, carbon will react with oxygen and produce carbon dioxide.

Carbon + Oxygen —> Carbon dioxide 

C + O₂ —> CO₂

3. Formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen

Hydrogen react with oxygen to produce water.

Hydrogen + Oxygen —> Water

2H₂ + O₂ —> 2H₂O
