A chemical reaction in which a highly reactive metal displaces or replace a less reactive metal from its metallic solution is known as displacement reaction

Examples of displacement reaction

1. iron react with copper sulphate gives iron sulphate and copper. Iron is more reactive than copper, so iron will displaces copper from copper sulphate solution and form iron sulphate and copper becomes independent.

Iron + copper sulphate --> iron sulphate+ copper 

Fe + CuSO₄—> FeSO₄ + Cu

2. Zinc react with copper sulphate solution and produce zinc sulphate and copper. Zinc is more reactive than copper, so zinc replaces copper from copper sulphate solution and produce zinc sulphate and copper.

Zinc + copper sulphate—> zinc sulphate + copper

Zn + CuSO₄ —> ZnSO₄ + Cu

3. Lead react with copper chloride and produce lead chloride and copper. Lead is more reactive than copper so it displaces copper and produce lead chloride 

Lead + copper chloride—> lead chloride + Copper 

Pb + CuCl₂ —> PbCl₂ + Cu
