The movement of a body along the circumference of a circle, with a fixed radius is known as circular motion. Circular motion can either be Uniform or non Uniform.

Distance covered by a body in circular motion 

A body moving in circular path covers a distance equal to the circumference of that circle in one complete rotation. Consider a body moving in circular path of radius r , 
Distance covered by body in one full rotation = circumference of that circle 
So, distance covered by body in one full rotation = 2πr

Speed and velocity of a circular motion 

Consider a body in circular motion, if it took t seconds ‘t’ to go once around the circular path of radius ‘r’,then speed (s) of that body

Speed = distance/time taken

s = 2πr/t
If a body moves in circular path with uniform speed, its motion can be called as Uniform circular motion.

Velocity is a vector quantity with both magnitude and direction. For a body in circular motion even if the magnitude of velocity remains same, its direction is always changing. As shown in picture below, the actual direction of body in circular motion is tangent drawn from the point where the body is.

The direction of body in circular path changes constantly, so its velocity is also changing. Therefore circular motion is always an accelerated motion.

Centripetal force

Centripetal force is a force that is responsible for circular motion of a body. It alway directed towards centre of the circle path.
Centrifugal force if apparent outward force on a body in circular motion due to its mass.
